Thursday, January 24, 2013


It's simple really. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

Wild Weekend!!

Have you ever had one of those weekends where it ended with you being completely exhausted but then you look over the weekend and realize that you actually spent a large majority of it sleeping?? Maybe I overslept and am just feeling groggy...kind of like when you take a nap in the middle of the day and wake up even more tired than you were when you decided to take your nap.

This weekend was...interesting. My roomies and I are pretty lame when it comes to being college students, like I've stated before, our typical Friday night involves eating carbs and watching movies, sometimes we decide to be a little adventurous and will pop open a bottle of wine. Outsiders don't really appreciate our spontaneity and can't understand why we don't actually act our age and frequent downtown on the weekends like normal college seniors. Once winter quarter started, we all promised to make an attempt at living just a little recklessly. I've got to say...two weeks in and I'm pretty proud of us. This weekend we got dressed up and hit the town, then we dusted off our cowboy boots to try something new out.

I'm an avid linedancer...if you don't know this about me...than you're probably a stranger. For the past 4 years, I've been going to the Grad for country night. I am by no means a pro-linedancer, but I appreciate and rise to the challenges that a good old fashioned boot-scoot-n-boogie presents. I went and kicked my heels up this weekend, but the other day I experienced something very new.
COW's exactly what it sounds like but even worse! On Saturday, I accompanied one of my room mates to her family's annual Cow Branding. Believe it or not, this turned out to be a huge party with lots of food, lots of drank and lots of country. I LOVED IT!! The part I liked the least was the actual branding, which was accompanied with ear cropping and straight up cow-neutering. It was an interesting experience. After the branding, we moved the party over to a banquet hall where we added swing dancing to the equation. Now I love linedancing, but I think I'm going to cheat on linedancing with swing dancing whenever the opportunity presents itself! OH MY LORDY WAS IT FUN!! The spins and dips and flips...I felt like I had died and gone to BRY-HEAVEN. In the morning I thought I had just dreamt the entire thing up, but my stiff legs and sore arms allowed me to happily categorize it as reality.

If you haven't gone swing-dancing, you haven't lived!!! If you're one of those people who are under some delusion that rump-shakin at the club is real dancing, I challenge you to find a place to swing dance...and do it!! Or at least come linedancing with me, because that's a blast too :)

Completely off topic, but I'm gonna end with this. When I was at Yoga on Friday, the instructor said a few words of advice that sunk in a little.

"Sometimes the one thing you are trying to resist is the one thing you need to embrace"

I'm pretty sure she was referring to the pain we were all feeling whilst holding the "chair pose" for what felt like an eternity, but I sat in my imaginary chair contemplating that phrase, then kept contemplating that phrase throughout the rest of the session. Pretty thought provoking right?

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Bachelor


Okay, before you roll your eyes and write me off as someone who is obscenely obsessed with The Bachelor, just know that this is a very recent addiction. Season 17 has just begun and I started caving into my curiosity on Season 15. 

But I'm mad because my overly curious self went online and found out exactly who won and who gets eliminated when. I'm so mad at myself!! The excitement and roll over suspense from week to week is gone! WHY DID I DO THAT?! Don't worry, if you're a Bachelor betch I'm not going to spoil it on here. Anyways...

Monday nights are looked forward to, my room mates and I go over to our friend Melissa's apartment and sacrifice our hardworking minds to The Bachelor for 2 hours. This is our way to let loose and blow off some steam, which in my opinion is much better than getting all rowdy...

During the season 17 premiere, I noticed that all of us girls who are seriously always nice and for the most part not judgmental, were verbally tearing the Bachelor contestants to shreds. We were judging them on how they talked, walked, looked and cried. At one point I looked around the room at all my friends and had to suppress a laugh. All girls are catty, we just didn't often show it or direct it towards anyone that we spent time with, but the Bachelor was our outlet, and it was hilarious. 

We also brought up the fact that Reality Shows are definitely not realistic, everyone knows that, but for some reason, we still watch all these shows and admired the glammed up reality. It's ridiculous but we love to watch it, this distorted version of reality. And this whole idea of finding love is bogus, every contestant slams one another and accuses them of just trying to "win his heart" but don't people win games? They are professing that they aren't there to play games but they all want to win the Bachelors heart. I know this is a bunch of mumble-jumble but I just found it hilarious. And even though I'm completely aware of this, I'm still going to go back every Monday night and let my brain just relax and watch some drama. 

Monday, January 7, 2013



I've decided to make an attempt at keeping a blog. The point is that I really don't enjoy writing with a professional tone but it seems like every company that is looking to hire writers is searching for just that.  Sorry I'm not sorry but when I write I'm writing to people, human people who if they're anything like me will get bored if they're reading something...boring! My resolution for 2013 isn't to keep a consistent blog, it's to entertain! So sit back, relax and enjoy! Also feel free to write any comments or prompts that you'd like me to write on. I'll welcome anything thought provoking! 

Basically my life right now revolves around School, Family and my three awesome room mates. There's four of us, and we're pretty awesome. If you know us, you're cool! If not, you're probably cool but you're definitely missing out. Hopefully I won't embarrass any of them throughout this blog, I don't really care if I look like a fool but in advance, my apologies friends! 

We all just got back from our holiday break, today was the first day of winter quarter and I'm pretty excited about my schedule. My first class was easy peasy, it looks like I'll actually attend it once in a while. (What can I say? Senioritis) Unfortunately right when I got back to my apartment I saw myself falling into the same exact routine that I was firmly planted in last quarter...this routine involves going to class, (sometimes) making myself a hearty breakfast, (I absolutely love breakfast, I love making omelets, waffles, bagel sandwiches, hashbrowns, smoothies or whatever) then settling down in my cozy little room and watching Korean Drama. No...I'm not a super Asian girl, on the contrary I describe myself as a white girl with small eyes. Whether or not that's completely accurate is a different story. However, I've gotten into this phase, which may or may not be morphing into an addiction, of watching Korean Drama. My room mates think it's hilarious, the one who shares a wall with me may not find it so funny since I usually watch my dramas late into the night and our walls are paper thin. I can't exactly understand Korean but the subtitles are prreeetty accurate. I don't exactly know why I'm sharing this, maybe because I found that I really enjoy watching Korean Drama, and I know it's weird but everyone should totally try it out at least once. You can watch a bunch of shows on Hulu for free! If you need a good list of shows to watch, let me know and I'll get you happily started down the wonderful road of Kdrama!

The point of my blog isn't to treat this as a journal, I already got me one of those so I won't be posting in this bad boy every day. When an idea sparks and I feel as if it should be shared, I'll share it. Be prepared, there will be some rants, but I promise there will be some funnies too. What's sad is that there are so many hilarious things I want to share with the world, but some of it involves inappropriate content that my room mates and I happen to be talking about. It kills me because some of it is really really funny, and you'd probably enjoy it. Bbuuuuttt, I'm gonna try to keep it classy. Also if you're in college or know someone in high school preparing to go to college, you should check out my posts at 

Another thing I'd like to try out is video blogging...but in order to start that I need inspiration from people. I'll keep you posted on that too. Happy New Year all!!!